Monthly Archives

September 2014

  • NYFW SS15 Street Style

    Everyone knows that New York City is known for it’s incredible people watching but during Fashion Week people take it to a whole other level. People come from all over the…

  • Spring 2015 NYFW Midweek Highlights

    We arrived in NYC for New York Fashion Week and have been busy bees, snapping photos at our favorite shows, capturing the some amazing street style and taking in some pretty…

  • Vintage Fall Fashion with Ella Rue

    We hit the vintage jackpot when we came across DC’s premier luxury consignment shop, Ella Rue. The fabulous ladies of Ella Rue have an impeccable eye for collecting both vintage and modern pieces…

  • Behind The Scenes with Ashley Duru and Oribe

    Fall is one of our favorite seasons, not just because of the gorgeous foliage and favorable weather, but more importantly for sartorial reasons.  When prepping for our fall shoot, that was photographed…

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